May 14, 2024 - Classic Italy
Travel to Italy

The day has finally arrived.  We are off to Italy!  We flew Delta from BWI to Boston, and then to Rome.  From Rome to Naples we were on Italia Air.

Here we are at Logan looking at the Boston skyline.

Our seats were literally in the last row, middle section.  I refused to pay for assigned seating -- the basic economy seats were not cheap -- so we didn't know until a few minutes before boarding that we would get to sit together.   When you travel to Europe, you always fly through the night.  If I got an hour of sleep, I'd be surprised.  But the dinner meal was surprisingly good;  or it could be I was just very hungry.
Getting off our jet at the Rome Airport.  Passport Control and Customs were a breeze.
Unfortunately, we had a five hour layover in Rome until our flight to Naples.  Poor planning on my part.  I should have arranged to take the train from Rome to Naples instead of waiting five hours for a flight.
So, we became quite familiar with the Rome airport interior.  Here, Lynnette has found the Ferrari store.

Things improved considerably after our short flight to Naples.  We were met by a Tauck tour representative, and soon with another couple were headed in a van to Sorrento.

This picture is looking down at Sorrento.

We were dropped at our hotel, which was great, and soon were checked into our room which had this view from the balcony.  Yes, that's Mount Vesuvius in the background.  Yes, the one that erupted in 79 AD and buried the Roman city of Pompeii.  Vesuvius last erupted in 1944.  Hope it doesn't go off while we're here!
Yay, Italy!   We had the afternoon and evening to recover from the jet leg.  So my planning was good in that regard.